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Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars

Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars

Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars to warn patrons against making the mistake of driving under the influence (DUI)in Orange County.  As we have covered before , the Huntington Beach Police have had a series of operations, where they go into bars in that city, and breath test patrons. 

Laguna Beach DUI Patrol officers are also getting involved, making quite an entrance with a similar program, as they are asking people in bars and restaurants throughout Laguna Beach stole to provide breath samples, before being asked if they drove there and are driving home.

This more aggressive tactic, which has the stated goal of reducing the number of inebriated motorists focuses on education by letting customers know how the number of alcoholic drinks affects their blood alcohol concentration (BAC), said the Laguna Beach Police in a press release

Officers from the Laguna Beach Police Department obtained breath samples from 66 patrons, dining or drinking at eight different establishments in Laguna, during one three-hour “Know Your Limit” campaign.

Laguna Beach partnered with the California Office of Traffic Safety, which provides substantial funding for DUI checkpoints throughout the state, and held its first exercise with bar patrons after consulting with the Huntington Beach police.

Program Aims to Reduce Laguna Beach DUI  

Local officers visited local bars and restaurants, beginning with Hennessy’s Tavern and The Marine Room on Ocean Avenue in downtown Laguna Beach.

Officers in uniform tried to make it clear to patrons that they were there to educate them, not ticket them. Still, patrons seem to be nervous, newspaper reports stated.

One of the officers testing that night, explained how residual mouth alcohol can stay in a person’s mouth, even following one sip. It’s better to test 15 minutes after the person’s last drink, he said.

He said that mouthwash can also boost a person’s BAC because it contains alcohol. Lee said that some people get pulled over, swig mouthwash, and it shoots their BAC reading higher than it is.

The Los Angeles Times reported in their article that a person can be charged with DUI if they are driving under the influence of drugs (DUID) or other medications with or without alcohol, which affects their ability to drive safely.

Those who participated in the breath testing received a $20 gift card for Uber if they were above the legal limit. Uber helped sponsor the program to have Laguna Beach Police Breath Testing in Bars.

After officers visited eight restaurants, two of the officers that were involved in the Know Your Limit operation conducted a DUI patrol that had already been scheduled for that evening and arrested two drivers for an Orange County DUI.  Laguna Beach is known for having a very high arrest rate for DUI cases in Orange County.

If you need a consultation with an Orange County DUI Lawyer, contact our firm.  We are happy to help you and offer advice on your case.

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