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Practicing Defensive Riding- 5 Effective Tips For Motorcyclist Safety

Motorcycle riding is an exhilarating experience as you feel the wind on your face, but one cannot overlook its perils. The sheer number of motorcycling mishaps on American roads every year indicates the danger. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics, motorcyclists are nearly 27 times more likely to die in an accident than occupants of cars. Additionally, they are at a considerably higher risk of suffering severe injuries. However, defensive riding techniques can be a real savior when it comes to minimizing the risks of accidents.

Defensive riding entails strategies and skills that enable drivers and riders to avoid potential hazards and address unexpected situations on the road. It goes beyond just protecting oneself but also ensuring the safety of others on the road. Practicing it requires some initial effort, but you can imbibe it as a habit eventually. The best part is that it can save your life, and a little effort can make a great difference. Let us share a few effective defensive riding tips for motorcyclist safety.

Stay alert and focused

Even the best roads may be dangerous, so riders and drivers cannot get complacent while driving or riding. Staying alert and focused is perhaps the most crucial rule of defensive riding. Always scan the road ahead for potential hazards, such as potholes, debris, or obstructions. At the same time, be aware of other vehicles and pedestrians. You may be a safe rider, but you cannot do much about the way others drive. Look for signs that other drivers might make unexpected lane changes, turns, and stops. Negligence is another factor requiring attention. Caution can keep you safe.

Maintain a safe distance

Always keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you as it can prevent crashes due to tailgating or distracted driving. In fact, you must be even more watchful if you see some warning indications about the driver ahead being unsafe or negligent. You will have some breathing space to avoid a collision if they brake suddenly while texting or talking on the phone. Also, ensure that the vehicle behind you is at a safe distance because it may hit you from behind. Motorcyclists need to be extra careful because the danger is greater for them.

Never miss out on your safety gear

Another defensive driving tip for motorcyclists is to never miss out on safety gear. Invest in high-quality essentials such as a helmet, a pair of gloves, long pants, a good jacket, eye protection, and over-the-ankle footwear with nonslip soles. The helmet is the most significant part of the list because statistics show that approximately 65% of fatal motorcycle accident victims ride without helmets. You may also have to follow state-specific laws in this context. For example, Colorado motorcycle helmet laws require minors to always wear a helmet approved by the state Department of Transportation. But even older riders must wear it at all times.

Stay visible

Besides wearing the right safety gear, you must stay visible on the road, specifically after dark. Since bikes are relatively small, drivers will likely miss them on highways. Wearing reflective clothing, using lights and reflectors, and positioning yourself in the lane where you are most visible are some measures to stay safe. Also, use hand signals if necessary, signal early when turning or changing lanes, and avoid sudden movements. These simple defensive driving techniques can save you from getting in trouble.

Plan your route

Remember that motorcycling is inherently dangerous, so you must go the extra mile with your defenses. Planning your route in advance can help you avoid high-risk zones, such as areas with poor road conditions, busy intersections, and construction zones. You must be even more proactive about route planning when embarking on long rides or road trips. At the same time, check weather forecasts because inclement weather can increase the risk of accidents. Adjust your riding style for dangerous weather conditions like wind, rain, or snow. Wearing weather-appropriate gear keeps you comfortable and safe.

Besides these defensive driving tips, you must follow the basics, such as sticking to traffic rules and staying on track with speed limits. Also, steer clear of distractions and alcohol during your riding sprees. Most importantly, be aware of your legal rights if you encounter a mishap due to someone else’s negligence. You can file a personal injury claim and seek compensation from the negligent drivers. Consider taking a defensive riding course to fine-tune your skills and learn better techniques for staying safe on the road.

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