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Why You Should Avoid A DUI Arrest During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is a dark cloud that continues to wreak havoc in the United States and the rest of the world.

Still, even this darkest of clouds has several silver linings, including the fact that crime rates dropped in 2020.

The number of DUI arrests also fell in many states, especially during the first few months of the pandemic.

Then again, it’s hardly surprising that people wouldn’t want to be arrested in the time of COVID-19, especially not for something completely avoidable like driving under the influence.

Should you ever consider driving while drunk in the middle of a pandemic, keep the following in mind:

Your Coronavirus Exposure Risk Will Be Higher

Even with stay-at-home orders, everyone is still at risk of getting infected with COVID-19 every time they run essential errands or receive and handle groceries and deliveries.

Can you imagine the infection risk you will face if you spend even just a night in jail after a DUI arrest?

When in jail, you will be in close proximity to strangers, any of whom could be positive for the coronavirus.

And we’re not just talking about fellow detainees, as any of the cops that run the jail could be carriers of the virus, too.

Remember, many COVID-19-positive people are asymptomatic, and they could pass on the virus to someone else even if they don’t feel sick.

Your DUI Case Would Take Longer

Long before the pandemic, dealing with DUI charges was already a stressful, complicated, and lengthy process, even when you have skilled and experienced DUI defense attorneys by your side.

Resolving them in court took an average of four months, which is still a big chunk of time off your normal life.

With courts shutting down, limiting their hours, or setting new DUI jury trial dates out several months in the future due to the pandemic, you’d be looking at even longer delays. It wouldn’t be surprising for your DUI case to drag on for up to a year or more.

COVID-19 Has Decimated Jail and Prison Populations In The U.S.

Once you’re arrested for DUI, you will be facing severe consequences should you get convicted of the offense.

You could end up in prison for months or even years, especially if you’re subject to aggravated DUI penalties.

The scary part is the fact that COVID-19 has already devastated U.S. prison and jail populations.

Whatever you do, don’t get arrested for DUI in the time of COVID-19. Better yet, never drink and drive, pandemic or no pandemic.

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