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Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer

Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer

If you were arrested for domestic violence, you are going through a tough time.  You likely need an Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer, or spousal abuse lawyer, to protect you and guide you through the process you’re facing.  Related charges are:

Our firm, Miller & Associates have experience in handling Orange County domestic violence and spousal abuse cases. If you or someone you know has been charged in Orange County with domestic violence and/or spousal abuse, we can help by providing the services of an Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer.
 Over the last 25 years, California laws regarding domestic violence have undergone several changes, in response to the People v. OJ Simpson trial evidence and other political pressures.
 The offices of the District Attorney or City Attorney are now aggressively prosecuting all reported incidents of violence in the home, and prosecuting such crimes even in cases where the victim refuses to press charges or recants initial claims of abuse.
Prosecutors often rely on the psychological phenomenon known as “battered woman’s syndrome”, when explaining why they will not drop or reduce charges when the alleged victim requests that they do so, or when he or she refuses to testify. In some cases, prosecutors will file charges against alleged abusers in the absence of victims or witnesses.
That is why it is so important to have an Orange County Domestic Violence Lawyer on your side.

Domestic Violence Lawyers in Orange County

Serving Clients with cases in Anaheim, Irvine, Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach & All of OC

California assault and domestic violence laws carry severe penalties for a criminal conviction of this offense; therefore, if you are facing these charges, then you need skilled legal representation on your side to help you build an aggressive criminal defense. As an Orange County domestic violence attorney, Robert Miller knows the legal system thoroughly and can use that knowledge to build a strong defense and protect your legal rights.

Why people choose Attorney Miller:

Attorney Miller has more than 26 years of legal experience and is a seasoned domestic violence lawyer. He is a proven attorney at trial.

We’re ready to begin building your defense. Call (214) 225-7117 to learn how we can help today.

Family Violence in California

Our state classifies domestic violence as “family violence” cases, which means the violence can occur between different members of the family, not only just spouses.

People involved in this violent action must be any of the following in order for the charge to be domestic violence:

  • Current or former spouses
  • Dating couples
  • Roommates or housemates
  • Couples who share a child in common

The various actions that could be considered domestic violence include the following:

  • Causing fear of imminent bodily injury
  • Sexual abuse or exploitation
  • Emotional abuse
  • Neglect, such as depriving spouses, children, or other family members food, a safe shelter, or proper clothing
  • Economic abuse, such as taking control of a family member’s bank accounts or investments
  • Causing bodily injury to another: hitting, slapping, choking kicking, or using a weapon as a form of physical abuse
  • Causing physical contact that could be considered as offensive or provocative

Unlike the assault laws of other states, a police officer does not have to witness domestic violence in order to make an immediate arrest. This means that you could be arrested and charged with the crime of domestic violence based on the word of an angry spouse or out of an act of retaliation. There are many cases in which fraudulent activity results in criminal charges for an innocent person. Attorney Robert Miller understands the embarrassment, fear, and anxiety that you may be experiencing, and you can look to our firm for the legal assistance that you need in your case.

Reputable Representation

Attorney Miller has many years of experience in defending the rights of criminally accused, and throughout his years of practice, he has gained prestigious awards and recognition for his excellent practice. He has received Yelp’s Client Choice Award, and the AVVO top rating for client results, which is the highest rating that an attorney can achieve.

If you are facing criminal charges of domestic violence, then waste no time in contacting our firm for the aggressive representation that you need in your case.

The penalties for domestic violence can range from probation and anger management classes or the state batterer’s treatment counseling program for first-time offenders to felony charges and incarceration in more severe cases, or where the reported injuries were more severe.

We also have current information about Orange County assault and anger management classes approved for court.

Contact us

Contact us today. If you or a loved one has been arrested for domestic violence, get professional representation from an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately to protect your rights. You can reach us by phone at (949) 682-5316, or via our email.

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