Irvine DUI Statistics - Orange County Attorneys
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Irvine DUI Statistics

Irvine DUI Attorney

Irvine DUI Statistics: If you find yourself facing an Irvine DUI, our Irvine DUI Attorney Robert Miller can help you. The City of Irvine is known for being aggressive in how they find, prosecute and deter drunk drivers. With a reputation as “America’s Safest City”, and the Irvine Police Department‘s relatively large budget to set up DUI Checkpoints in Irvine and Saturation Patrols throughout the City of Irvine, many DUI checkpoints take place in and around Irvine.

Beginning in the late 1990s, and continuing throughout the 2000s, as the City of Irvine continued its planned expansion, part of the marketing for persons buying a property in the city limits was that they were moving into “America’s Safest City”.

And in fact, for the past 15 straight years, Irvine has been named America’s safest city of its size, based on FBI Uniform Crime Reporting statistics from 18,000 jurisdictions. (The next safest big city is Virginia Beach, Virginia).

Because Irvine is a planned community, access for police, and funding for police, have been part of the goal of the city for decades. The Irvine Master Plan established commercial centers like the Irvine Spectrum that generate tens of millions of dollars for the city’s budget, which, among other services, funds Irvine’s Police Department.

In addition, it is the only department in Orange County to provide a D.A.R.E. curriculum at all Irvine elementary schools.

Irvine DUI Statistics for Irvine, California, for the last year available (2017) appear below:

Total Fatal and Injury89513/15
Alcohol Involved6414/15
Had Been Drinking Driver < 21114/15
Had Been Drinking Driver 21 – 342614/15
Pedestrians < 15413/15
Pedestrians 65+413/15
Bicyclists < 15132/15
Irvine DUI Statistics: Irvine accidents and DUIs broken down by category

Our law firm, featuring Irvine DUI Attorney Robert Miller, has practiced defending crimes in Irvine for over 26 years. If you face a DUI or were arrested by the Irvine Police Department, contact our law firm using the link below:


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